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  • #4418
    Alan Jensen

    This topic is available to discuss the finer points of human nature. Specifically the the beliefs, values, strategies and attitudes that make up our subjective experience. Please ask any question you would like to discuss with our NLP community.


    I’m still struggling with strategies. Perhaps I could use a strategy to learn strategies? lol

    Alan Jensen

    That would be a very appropriate use of strategies. Identify your “learning” strategy, “know it” strategy and “applying what I know” strategy then create a chaining anchor using these 3 steps as the learning/knowing/applying strategies to form a new behavior.

    Let me know how that goes.


    Have you ever wondered if many people simply don’t know what questions they could be asking? They don’t know, what they don’t know, and they don’t even know to ask.

    Alan Jensen

    Also Forrest, it could be the fear of judgement of their their questions that keeps them from asking. I believe every question is a great question for one simple reason. It leads to more questions. Which is the CAUSE of insights, right? You

    Alan Jensen

    To answer the question about “What is NLP”. We’d first have to understand the intention of it’s founder’s, Richard Bandler and John Grinder. They where looking to duplicate or replicate what they considered excellent behavior. What we should say is duplicate or replicate the “EFFECT OF EXCELLENT BEHAVIOR”.

    They quickly discovered they needed a model to “Reverse Engineer” each behavior to identify the “CAUSES OF A BEHAVIOR”. This led them to a discovery what soon became that model of behavior and communication we now refer to as Neuro-Linguistic Programming. Or as it is more commonly referred to as NLP.

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